Insight: Women's Photograghs from the George Eastman House

Frances Murray, Dream Cord
Frances Murray, Dream Cord, 1979
Courtesy George Eastman House

September 16 - November 26, 2000

Anne Ferran, Scenes on the Death of Nature
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Celebrate the diversity and remarkable achievements of women photographers in this exhibition of works from one of America's foremost photography collections. This selection of over 50 works emphasizes the unique vision of women as they address issues of aging, sexuality and self-definition. Featuring the work of renowned 19th-century artists such as Julia Margaret Cameron and Gertrude Käsebier, this exhibition also includes 20th-century masters like Margaret Bourke-White and Carrie Mae Weems. The Worcester Art Museum is offering this exhibition in conjunction with Women 2000, a commemoration of the First National Convention of Women's Rights, held in 1850 in Worcester, Mass.

This Exhibition was organized by George Eastman House International Museum of Photography and film and made possible with support from Nancy Woodhull, the Freedom Forum, and the Susan B. Anthony University Center. Support for Worcester's presentation is provided by the Hall and Kate Peterson Fund for Photography.