Facts About Paul Revere

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The Gift from UnumProvident
Worcester Art Museum Decorative Arts
Paul Revere
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Most people know Paul Revere for his famous midnight ride... Here are some facts about the man who accomplished much more during his life.

December, 1734

Born in Boston's North End to Apollos Rivoire and Deborah Hichborn. He was the eldest son, and the second of 12 children.


Commissioned as a second lieutenant in the colonial artillery after volunteering to fight the French at Lake George, NY.

August, 1757

Married Sarah Orne. They had eight children.


Sarah died. Shortly after, married Rachel Walker. They had eight children.

More than 40 Years

Practiced his primary vocation - silversmith/goldsmith, which he learned from his father. His work was, and still is, regarded as some of the finest in American decorative arts.

Before the Revolution

Worked as a copper plate engraver. Produced political cartoons, bookplates, business cards, bills of fare for taverns, and a song book.


Practiced dentistry - cleaned teeth, also wired in false teeth carved out of animal teeth or walrus ivory.

One Year Before the Revolutionary War

Gathered information by watching the British soldier movement. Courier for the Massachusetts Committee of Safety and the Boston Committee of Correspondence.

April 18, 1775

Received instruction to ride to Lexington and warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock of the approach of the British.

Revolutionary War

Served as lieutenant colonel in the Massachusetts State Train of Artillery.
Commander of Castle Island in Boston Harbor.
Went on minor expeditions to Worcester, MA and Newport, RI.

Post Revolutionary War

Imported items from England.
Ran a hardware store.


Was an active Freemason.
Held offices in the Massachusetts Grand Lodge, as well as Rising State Lodges and St. Andrews.
Helped to establish new lodges.

By 1788

Opened a foundry that supplied nails, spikes and bolts for North End Shipyards, as well as cannons and cast bells.
Supplied brass fittings for the U.S.S. Constitution.


Served as the first president of the Massachusetts Mechanic Association.


Opened the first copper rolling mill in N. America.
Provided copper sheeting for the hull of the U.S.S. Constitution.


Provided copper sheeting for the dome of the new Massachusetts State House.


Retired at age 76.


Wife Rachel, and son Paul died.

May 10, 1818

Died at age 83.
Left five children, several grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
Buried in Granary Burying Ground, Boston.